1st World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers from the 1st Annual Conference on Women-CWS at Colombo, Sri Lanka, were published in the 23rd volume of the Research in Political Sociology under the title Enabling Gender Equality: Future Generations of the Global World in 2015.
2nd World Conference of World-CWS

The second Annual conference on „Ending Gender Disparities through Innovation, Research, And Experience – Brighter Future”, held at Università Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, in October 2016. Published papers and in process of publication in volumes of Marriage and Family Review(2019-2021).
- Smita Verma (2019) Dialectics of tradition and modernity in private spaces: the ordeal of girl child abuse in modern India, Marriage & Family Review, DOI: 10.1080/01494929.2019.1637385
- Barbara Wejnert (2019) Effects of Market-Based Development on Women’s Empowerment: Impact on Families, Marriage & Family Review, DOI: 10.1080/01494929.2019.1651809
- Muthukuda Arachchige Dona Shiroma Jeeva Shirajanie Niriella (2020) Adequacy of the Contemporary Legal Framework to Avoid Secondary Victimization in the Criminal Justice System in Sri Lanka: Special Reference to Rape Victims, Marriage & Family Review, DOI: 10.1080/01494929.2020.1847233
- Barbara Miceli (2021) Rivers, Reflections, and Memories in Raymond Carver’s Where Water Comes Together with Other Water, Comparative American Studies An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/14775700.2021.1872764
3rd World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers from the 3rd Annual Conference of the World-CWS on Empowering New Generations: Women and Girls, which took place at Amity University, Dehli NCR, India, on October 12-13, 2017, have been published in the European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1 (May 2018), pp. 1-84.
ISSN 1450-2267/doi:10.29198/ejss1804
Special Issue of the European Journal of Social Sciences

- Muthukuda A D S J S Niriella. 2018. Medico-Legal Evidence in Rape Cases: Analysis with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1, no. 1, DOI:10.29198/ejss1802
- Neeru Sharma, Meenakshi Anand, Ambika Sharma, and Gulshan Kumari. 2018. Utilization of maternal and child health care interventions by rural poor mothers of Jammu & Kashmir State of India. European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1, no. 1, DOI:10.29198/ejss1803
- Maria Anita Stefanelli. 2018. In Search of Empowerment: Shirley Clarke’s Portrait of Jason and Cheryl Dunye’s The Watermelon Woman. European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1, no. 1, DOI:10.29198/ejss1804
- Geeta Kumar & Nirupama Prakash. 2018. Investigating the role of gender as a moderator in influencing the intention to use and actual use of mobile telephony European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1, no. 1, DOI:10.29198/ejss01
- Barbara Wejnert. 2018. Democratization, Globalization and Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Review and Conceptual Framework. European Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS), vol. 1, no.1, DOI:10.29198/ejss1805
4rd World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers from the 4th Annual Conference of the World-CWS on Gender Equality Unlocks the Power of Nations and Builds Better Future, which was organized by the University at Buffalo and took place in New York City, USA, on November 8-11, 2018, have been published as chapters in an edited book.
Vohra, A., Singh J., Kumari, P., and Wejnert, B. (2022). Violence and Gender Disparities Against Women. A Global Scenario. White Falcon Publishing, India. ISBN – 978-1-63640-629-9

5th World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers from the 5th Annual Conference of the World-CWS on Women’s Emancipation: Support and Care For Sustainable Development, which was organized by the Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Warsaw University in Poland and took place in Warsaw, on October 10-12, 2019, are being published as chapters in an edited book.
6th World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers, peer-reviewed from the 6th Annual Conference of the World-CWS on Environment and Gender Equity in the Post-COVID World, which was organized virtually by the University at Buffalo and took place online on October 30-31, 2019, have been published as chapters in a special volume of the Research in Political Sociology, Vol 29. 2022

Systemic Inequality, Sustainability and COVID-19
Social Determinants of Health Disparities and Covid-19 in Black Belt Communities in Alabama: Geospatial Analyses
Seela Aladuwaka, Barbara Wejnert, Ram Alagan, Manoj Mishra
Selected Aspects of Discrimination against the Elderly in the Polish Health Care System
Impact of COVID-19 on Employment in Himachal Pradesh – A Case Study
Yashpal Malik, Nirupama Prakash, Suman
Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19: Legislative and Judicial Measures for Protection and Support of the Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Sri Lanka
Muthukuda Arachchige Dona Shiroma Jeeva Shirajanie Niriella
Gender Relations and Dynamics of Internal Committee: Case Studies from Private and Public Institutions in South India
Genealogies of Sustainable Development? Life Stories of Frugal, Inventive, and Creative Women
Birdsong and the Diseased Gaia in the Anthropocene: An Ecofeminist Reading of Terry Tempest Williams’ Memoirs – Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place and When Women Were Birds: Fifty-Four Variations on Voice
8th World Conference of World-CWS
Selected papers, peer-reviewed from the 8th Annual Conference of the World-CWS on Gender Equality, Conflict, and Humanitarian Crises: Issues and Prospects for the Future, which was organized virtually by the University at Buffalo and took place online on November 4-5, 2022, have been published as chapters in a special volume of the Research in Political Sociology, Vol 30, 2024 under the title “The Scars of War”